Friday, December 27, 2019

Factors that have Contributed to the Growth of Indias Software Industry - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1119 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category IT Essay Type Cause and effect essay Did you like this example? India’s software industry was growing rapidly from the mid-1980s. There are four factors that have contributed to the growth of India’s software industry. The first one is India has numerous supply of engineering talent. In India, there are some 400,000 engineers who graduate from local universities. Thus, it can provide huge talent pool for developing local software industry. â€Å"New bloods† can also provide their creativity and innovation for the industry. The second one is the salaries of Indian labor are low. The cost of hiring an Indian graduate is relatively lower than hiring an American graduate. It is 12 percent of the cost of an American labor costs. Lower labor costs can reduce the overall of operation costs so new software firms can have incentive to join the industry and attract potential investors. The third one is Indians can be able to communicate with American because of their language skill. The availability of a large nu mber of Indians who speak English which makes coordination between Western firms and India easier and understandably. Hence, they have no language barrier while cooperating. The last factor is time differences. Indians can match the working time of American. When American get off work, it is time for Indian working. It can allocate the work and conduct business effectively and efficiency. Also, by utilizing Indian labor and the internet, software enterprises can create global software development factories that can work 24 hour per day. India’s software industry changed in recent years. To analyze this phenomena, here are three aspects to mention the changing of India’s software industry, which are the growth of the industry, the industry structure, and number of manufacturer. About the growth of the industry, some 30 years ago, there is a number of small software enterprises were established in Bangalore, India. But now, there are already having over a hundred s oftware companies around Bangalore. There are many clusters in the market now. Furthermore, the scale of software enterprises was expanding. For example, Infosys Technologies which was started by only seven local enterpreneurs with about $1000 between them. And now, it has annual revenues of $22 billion and some 60,000 emplyees. It has become the fastest growing information technology sector in India. From the mid-1980s, by 2008 to 2009 this sector was gainning revenues of $60 billion. Moreover, the firm also has 16 percent growth rate even though it happened a sharp global economic slowdown during 2008 to 2009. Therefore, India had emerged as home to some of the fastest growing software service companies on the planet. About the industry structure, Indian software enterprises focused on the low end of the software industry, supplying basic software development and testing services to Western firms originally. Nevertheless, as the industry has grown in size and sophistication, In dian firms have moved up-market. Now, the leading Indian companies compete with the likes of IBM and EDS for large software development projects, business process outsourcing contracts, and information technology consulting services. The business development and market are expanding continually. The industry penetrate the larger market. Based on this points, the software firms in the market is being more mature. About the number of manufacturer, presently there are more than 500 software firms have setup operations in India to tap into India’s enormous talent pool which shows the monumental advancement that the India Software Industry has experienced. 2. Today India is home to some of the finest software companies in the world. There are some examples of India’s software industry illustrate about globalization. With the huge success of the software companies in India, the Indian software industry has become successful in making a mark in the global arena. T he software companies in India are reputed across the globe for their efficient IT and business related solutions.The export of software has also gone up, even software exports has major share in Indias total exports. Today, the Software Industry in India exports software and services to nearly 95 countries around the world. The total share of Indias exports in the global market rose form 4.9 per cent in 1997 to 20.4 percent in 2002-03. Also, Indian software firms design and build software solutions for the world. Working 24 hours a day delivering overnight to clients around the globe. All these facts can illustrate about the globalization of markets. India’s software industry is already gone into a huge global marketplace. Due to highly skilled human resources coupled with low wage structure and excellent qualities in India, the globe spending on information technology outsourcing will increase. Thus, some firms wanted to invest in India to gain the same kind of economic advantages that Indian firms enjoy. For example, IBM and Microsoft. They find that India has potential developing opportunities. It can elaborate the globalization of production. Those enterprises can lower overall cost structure and improve the quality or functionality of the product to gain competitive advantage. The technological change is also a driver of India’s software industry being globalization. Because of having time differences with other countries, it utilizes labor and the Internet, Indian firms can create global software development factories that are working 24 hours a day. For example, the software code written in America during the day can be tested in India and at night shipped back through the Internet to America in time for the start of work the following day. Technological change can enhance information processing and communication around the world. The Indian Government has also played a vital role in the development of the India software industry . In 1986, the Indian government announced a new software policy which was designed to serve as a catalyst for the software industry. This was followed in 1988 with the World Market Policy and the establishment of the Software Technology Parks of India (STP) scheme. In addition, in order to attract foreign direct investment, the government permitted foreign equity of up to 100 percent and duty free import on all inputs and products. The capital gains in India is just 11 per cent. It can attract more foregin investors to invest local software companies. Also, to made sure that the industry has a chance to succeed on a global level, the local government set the stock options that will be taxed only on the basis of capital gains at the time of sale of the stocks. Today, it is the best taxation regime for stock option plans is from India. Lower trade barriers led to an acceleration in the volume of world trade and investment. For example, IBM which has invested $2 billion in its Indi an operations, and now had 53,000 employees located there. It is more than in any other ountru without America. In 2007, it planed to invest $6 billion over the next few years in there again. Furthermore, Microsoft has also made major investment on India, Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Factors that have Contributed to the Growth of Indias Software Industry" essay for you Create order

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Start An Online Business Is Finding The Right Product

One of the biggest challenges of starting an online business is finding the right products. For an online store to be profitable, it must have products that are in demand, but are not in an over-saturated market. In other words, it’s all about finding the right niche. Then, when you have found a great niche product, you need to be able to acquire your inventory at a low enough price so you can make a profit. In short, the success of every online store depends on sourcing the right products at the right price. How to find the right product If you just sit down and start randomly thinking up ideas you may find yourself in an endless brainstorm session that will lead you nowhere. You may get lucky and have a eureka moment this way, but you are more likely to get frustrated or even give up on your dream. Rather than hoping for a solution to materialize out of thin air, it’s better to use a more systematic, methodical approach. A thorough approach to finding a good niche product should remove personal bias from the process and should only include products that are ideal for selling online. Most online products should follow these guidelines: Durable and light enough to ship Not too large to store in quantity in your inventory storage space Value does not depreciate rapidly Will sell year-round (not seasonal) Sells for $15 to $200 retail, as do most online products that sell well online Some other ideas to consider when choosing an online product toShow MoreRelatedManaging Communications, Knowledge and Information1200 Words   |  5 PagesStarting a business require preparation, research and a lot of hard work. There are many decisions to be taken like type of business, financial support, location and so on. This decision has to be taken with a lot of care so they can overcome difficult stages of the business. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

How to Write a Reaction Paper free essay sample

How to Write a Reaction Paper. In writing a good reaction paper, it is not enough to simply praise the strengths or criticize the weaknesses of the text in question. More than that, you must be able to justify your reaction. It is important to provide the reasons why, for example, the first chapter of a novel is dragging, or why the thesis of a particular essay carries a strong point. Of equal significance is your ability to further support your reasons with academic theories or even statistical data. Here are some tips on how to write a reaction paper. It is highly advisable to create an outline before you start writing your action paper. Doing so will help you determine beforehand how many reactions you have. It also affords you the opportunities to search the justifications you need and to list the supporting theories to them. In a paragraph, start your reaction paper with your introduction that includes a brief summary of the material you are tasked to respond to. We will write a custom essay sample on How to Write a Reaction Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Devote at least three sentences for this purpose. Remember to include the title and author of the work you have summarized. At the end, write your thesis statement. The second paragraph should contain your first reaction. Write it concisely, referable in one short sentence. Follow this with your reason for having that perception. In both cases, always refer to the work your are responding to.For instance, after stating that l think the first chapter of the novel is dragging continue with another sentence such as After the first five pages, the protagonist does nothing exciting or provocative. Further substantiate your reason by adding a theoretical perspective that will explain your observation. Apply the previous method with the succeeding paragraphs for your other reactions. As much as possible, use personal indicators such as I believe, l hind, l suppose, In my opinion, and others. End with your conclusion.Conclude with a restatement of your thesis and reactions. You may wish to wrap-up your reaction paper with a challenge to your reader, if not the author of the work you have just responded to. Here are a few more reminders. In writing a reaction paper, keep in mind to state your opinion and analysis of the work. It is thus appropriate to use the singular first-person point of view [the l], but also adopt an academic tone. If you know how to write a reaction paper, it will be easy to identify and justify your reactions.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Literary Analysis For Fahrenheit 451 Essays - Fahrenheit 451

Literary Analysis for Fahrenheit 451 In Ray Bradury's novel, Fahrenheit 451, there is a very commonly known as a book of science fiction book. More specifically one that refers to the future, and the consequences that can be inflicted as a result of the world having very little individuality. However, this book also has had a long lasting effect on the world as we know it to be presently. Bradbury is obviously very concerned with the world, and how it is losing its individuality. This novel represents the differences of having indiviuality versus conformity. Ray Bradbury is also concerned with people's willingness to act out upon things that are seldomly attempted because of fear of persecution. As the story is plotted, the people of the United States, who are unaware of their true potential, walk through their lives as if they were programmed robots or machines that are not able to think for themselves. The government, both federal and local, have threatened an frightened the people of the nation. Because of this, the people are afraid to act out upon the government because they are afraid of becoming isolated in the world. Different from the world that we know, the poeple are not taught to read at school, or at their homes. If a person attempts to even take possession of a book, they have all of their possessions taken away from them and their houses burned. Therefore, as time progresses the poeple become more and more ignorant about the world around them and its potential. One good example of showing how the people have lost their individuality is when Clairisse shows up in town. The town is a very happy and quiet town, but when this seventeen year old girl shows up in town, she immediatley has effects on people. Montag is the one person that would listen and understand her. She would continually ask him questions all of the time, an Montage would get annoyed by it. However, after that, he realized that the world was a much more bigger and intrigueing place. He started reading books in secrecy and soon became very aware of the potential that people had in them. Another example is when Montage started to read a book aloud to guests at his house. Mildred invited her friends over to watch a form of television. Montag got angry at how the women were so ignorant. When he started to read aloud from a poem, even though the women were somewhat intrigued by the poem they were still frightened. This conformity that plays a such large role in the women's lives is a prime example of how stubborn and unaware the people are. A very good example of how ignorant the people are is how they allowed the people with influence to change the past. For example, during the time period in the book the firmen were taught to start fires. They were even told that in the past the firemen were always starting the fires. People were so ignorant that they didn't even stop to gain logic about that fact. In conclusion, Ray Bradbury wrote this novel not just to entertain the reader. He probably also wrote Fahrenheit 451 to get the people to understand what could happen to the world if people begin to stray off towards conformity, and lose their individuality and ability to speak their opinion.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Dorchester Company and Foreign Markets

Introduction Dorchester’s entry into the foreign markets subjects the company to the volatility that is associated with exchange rates. Exchange rates are subject to various factors including non-economic ones. Consequently, after venturing into foreign markets Dorchester will require to be conversant with exchange rate patterns.Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on Dorchester Company and Foreign Markets specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The ability to predict exchange rates will be instrumental in maintaining Dorchester’s profitability and shaping the firm’s investment agendas (Eun Resnick, 2015). Furthermore, successful entry into new markets requires any entity to be able to minimize risks and maximize profits at all times. Dorchester is venturing into markets that are spread over three continents. Therefore, the company will have to confront a diverse range of exchange rate volatility. Th is paper offers the most accurate exchange rate predictions pertaining to the overall environments in Nigeria, Germany, and China. The predictions are based on past trends, recognizable patterns, and future outlooks. Exchange Rate Trends The first market where Dorchester aims to venture is in Nigeria where the national currency is the Nigerian Naira (NGN). In the recent past, the NGN has maintained a relatively stable position against the United States Dollar (USD). In the course of the last twelve months, the naira lost 0.51 percent after exchanging at 200NGN in February 2015 and closing at 201.01 in February 2016. Nevertheless, there has been a high rate of volatility in the short term with the NGN continuously losing ground against the USD on several occasions. For example, in just a matter of a few weeks, the value of the NGN against the USD has shifted between 197 and 204. The issue of counterfeit currency has also had a big impact on the Nigerian exchange rates. On some occasi ons, the NGN has lost over 100 percent of its value against the USD mostly in informal markets. Furthermore, over the last year the Nigerian government has continuously intervened to stabilize the demand and supply of the USD in the country. The short-term volatility in the Nigerian exchange market is set to persist as the government struggles to align its monetary policies. However, the relative economic and political stability in Nigeria means that there will not be any significant changes to the current exchange rates. The other market where Dorchester is planning to ply its trade is in China where the Chinese Yuan (CNY) is the official currency. The CNY has been in the receiving end of the exchange market because over the short term the USD has gained 0.2 percent over the Chinese currency. In addition, â€Å"the USD gained 4.59 percentage points over the CNY in the course of twelve months after the later having exchanged at 6.26 in February of the previous year† (Kilian Taylor, 2013).Advertising Looking for coursework on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Current trends indicate that there have not been any significant jolts in the USD/CNY exchange rate market over the short-term. This trend is also set to continue in the foreseeable short-term duration. Although there have been considerable rates of economic turmoil in china, this development has not had any significant effects on the exchange rates. Nevertheless, the long-term trends indicate that the USD will continue to lose ground on the CNY. These trends are adequately reflected in the past 10 years of trading. Dorchester has an upper hand when it comes to forecasting the exchange rates in China because they indicate solid patterns over the past. This trend can be possibly traced to the Chinese Government’s grip on economical and political factors. In Germany, the Euro (EUR) is the official currency and Dorchest er needs to look into the associated past exchange rates. The USD/EUR exchange rates indicate good levels of stability. Past statistics indicate that the EUR to USD trade decreased by a margin of 0.79 percent in 26th of February. The EUR was going for 1.10 against the dollar by close of February 2016 from 1.12 on February of 2015. This trend indicates that the USD has gained a value of 2.47 against the EUR. These trends indicate a relatively high level of stability in the EUR/USD exchange markets. The German market is however set to be affected by various political and economic factors in the near future. For instance, shocks in the political composition of the European Union and the refugee crisis in the region might affect the exchange rates in the region. Conclusion/Recommendations All the countries where Dorchester is planning to trade have well defined exchange markets. However, Nigeria offers a market that is volatile in the short term but more stable in the long run. Dorchest er should align most of its monetary policies in Nigeria with long-term goals. Nevertheless, a mastery of the Nigerian currency market where USD shortages are common can increase Dorchester’s profit margins. Germany offers the least exchange rate difficulty for the company. The market is able to remain stable over both the short term and the long term. Dorchester should prioritize on this market because it comes with minimum risk. Finally, the Chinese exchange market is the hardest to master although it offers Dorchester a level of security from political and economical uncertainties. References Eun, C. S., Resnick, B. G. (2015). International financial management. Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin.Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on Dorchester Company and Foreign Markets specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Kilian, L., Taylor, M. P. (2013). Why is it so difficult to beat the random walk forecast of exchange rate s?. Journal of International Economics, 60(1), 85-107. This coursework on Dorchester Company and Foreign Markets was written and submitted by user GorillaMan to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Team Work Part 1 & 2 Essays - Criminology, Social Psychology

Team Work Part 1 & 2 Essays - Criminology, Social Psychology Team Work Part 1  CCJ1020-12_Week 4  05/19/2015 Prof. Scott Addlesberger Part I: The Offender There are many differences between a chronic violent offender and a nonviolent offender. A chronic violent offender is an individual who frequently or persistently violates the law. As defined by Marvin Wolfgang, Robert Figlio, and Thorsten Sellin, their definition of a chronic violent offender is delinquents arrested five or more times before the age of eighteen who commit a disproportionate amount of criminal offenses (Siegel & Worrall, 2013). A nonviolent offender is a person causing a crime that does not cause damage, or hurts people. For example crimes like low level drug users, prostitution, shoplifters, burglary, and drug trafficking. Also there are many differences between types of crime committed and the type of offense they commit. These differences include age, race, gender, geographical, and socioeconomic status. There are many differences, but others believe that some nonviolent offenders pleaded out on nonviolent charges but previously did a violent crime at the time wh en they were arrested or in previous arrests. Nonviolent offenders today are taking up most populations in the U.S prisons. Violent offenders are more likely to experience mental health issues, been exposed to violence or been victimized in the community and more likely to exhibit violence when incarcerated. It is important to remember that an individual in the community with mental health issues is not necessarily a violent individual. Violence may be a result of victimization and social exclusion. In the chronic violent crimes, offenders have a pathological tendency to commit and to repeat violent crimes, while in non-violent crimes, offenders don't use physical or emotional violence against victims. Nonviolent offenders are typically those convicted of property crimes. In the U.S. property crimes are often considered more serious than people. Some people do think that just because they are called nonviolent offenders doesnt mean that they should be. For example, It is not hard to imagine that the guy busted for drug trafficking was maybe carrying an illegal concealed weapon at the same time he was collared for slinging rock cocaine and maybe there is strong evidence that he used that gun to throw a few rounds at a rival. Facing an assault with a deadly weapon charge, our drug trafficker is advised by his public defender to cop a plea to selling rock cocaine. And there you have it, he is now a nonviolent offender. In 2004, the Bureau of Justice Statistics studied that 95% of inmates arrested were arrested prior. 33% of nonviolent offenders had history of violent crimes. 8% used a weapon during a nonviolent crime, and 70% of all nonviolent offenders are arrested within three years (Durose, M., & Mumola, C. (2004, October 1). As I said earlier, there are many different variables of each type of offender such as race, age, gender, geographical differences, and gender. But is this really a justifiable way to predict who would become an offender by these variables alone? This is what I would consider a 50/50 percent answer because although it is not morally right to look at a person and say that they will become a criminal but at the same time the way a person carries their self or dress can be a dead giveaway to law enforcement that they are engaged in some kind of criminal activity or at the least will do so. Growing up as a child most of us were told never to judge a book by its cover, but how many times can you honestly say that you never did? If you were like me your answer would be more than usual. Because of the media and what it portrays it seems as though there are more African Americans that are committing crimes and being incarcerated than any other race. Minority group members are involved in a d isproportionate share of criminal activity. According to Siegal and Worrall, African Americans make up about 12 percent of the general population, yet they account for about 38 percent of arrests for Part I violent crimes and for 29 percent of property crime arrests. Part II: The Victim: An individuals risk of criminal victimization depends on their exposure or proximity to offender populations, and exposure, in turn, depends on individuals

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Mu2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Mu2 - Essay Example They should be taught how to deal with panicky situations, how to deal with emergency and to how to address their safety in such undesirable circumstances. Life safety is very important and given the context, it means trying to curb down un-necessary exposure to the harmful products due to combustion. There are three basic directions that need to be followed. The first one is to try stopping ignition, the second one is to control the outbreak of fire and the third one is to keep the humans safe from the byproducts of combustion. This can be done keeping in mind the concepts of either of the three of time, distance and shielding. The smoke and heat don’t develop instantaneously. They develop over time to create a harmful hazardous environment. There are a lot of variables involved and each of these variables varies in different circumstances so the rate at which this happens can’t be exactly predicted. The fire starts of as small and slowly gradually intensifies thus invoking a very hazardous environment in the process. The fire can be detected by either of the 2, through automatic means or by personnel detection. The real focus should be on what stage after ignition and heat buildup has the fire been discovered. It is that stage which will have a major impact on the life safety measures that would be taken up. It is not necessary that all the occupants at the site of the fire will react to it in the same way. The reaction of two different people will vary. The reaction of a single individual can also vary in different time frames, in different settings. It is not necessary that someone who reacts in a particular way at one point in time will react in exactly the same way three days from now. By reaction, it is meant, how humans react to smoke build up, to the flame, to the burns, to the hue and cry etc. There are some factors that help determine how humans react to fire situations typically. These factors are: Where age is concerned, the