Friday, May 15, 2020

Holland Enterprises - 1798 Words

Holland Enterprises Most recently the firm Holland Enterprises has retained an hr consultant to review analyze and revise the current compensation and benefit structure. We have seen since 2007 a 25% decrease in the workforce due to a lack of the benefits system that is in place. My team is committed to analyze and potentially change the perception that Holland’s benefit system is unfair and uncompetitive in the marketplace. We will find that organizations excel and remain competitive when they have consistent human resource practices that align with the companies organizational goals. Increasing organizational productivity is important to any organization. â€Å"Managers know that simply paying employees more will not result in increased†¦show more content†¦In the course of their lives, many individuals acquire various kinds and levels of knowledge that organizations value. Additionally, through education, experience, training, and natural predisposition, some individuals are able to demonstrate different and greater skills than others. The worth to the organization of the individually acquired and job-required knowledge and skills is identified through job rates of pay† (Henderson, 2006). In order to construct a new pay structure and benefit system we must first look at the five major components that will factor into our decisions. These components are compensation and benefit philosophy, pay grades, ratio of base pay to incentive pay, external equity and internal equity and other types of benefits such as deferred compensation, health insurance vacation and sick leave. â€Å"There are a number of components that need to be addressed when developing your compensation systems to ensure they align with your organizational strategy and objectives. One key to remember is that your compensation strategy must help to create the work culture you want. How you structure your systems and manage the internal and external equity issues, will directly inform the culture of your organization†¦Ã¢â‚¬ A compensation philosophy is developed to guide the design and complexity of your compensation programs; this is done by identifying your goals andShow MoreRelatedHolland Enterprises: Compensation Benefits Management2151 Words   |  9 PagesHolland Enterprises: Compensation Benefits Management BUS434: Compensation Benefits Management (BWO1312A HOLLAND ENTERPRISES: COMPENSATION BENEFITS With the changing economy it is important that Holland Enterprises improves their benefits and compensation plans for their employees. Holland Enterprises employs 3,500 employees, but since 2007 has lost 25% of its staff. Exit interviews indicate the primary reason a majority of these employees have resigned is because of a compensation andRead MoreThe Enterprise Resource Planning System979 Words   |  4 PagesThe Enterprise resource planning system has become more popular in business management system and although provide great benefits to large organisations. However, implementation of an ERP has not been successful in all organizations. Since with the implementation of an ERP it certainly have a great effect on the entire organizations such as process, peoples are culture. There are certain numbers of challenges that the companies faced through an ERP implementation. Although many universitiesRead MoreEssay Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) Implementation1621 W ords   |  7 PagesThis essay will discuss Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) implementation, specifically in the factors which can leads that ERP implementation to successful and unsuccessful ERP implementation. 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Introductions Bandon Group is a family owned distributor of office equipment. It is famous for its good customer service, technical support, and innovative products, and excellent in providing products with quality and services at cost-effective price. The Group now has four divisionsRead MoreEnterprise Systems : Success And Failures3236 Words   |  13 PagesAbstract Enterprise systems are highly complex systems providing solutions to various enterprises. However, implementation of these systems is difficult and high costing that places tremendous demands on enterprise time and resources. Many systems implementations are success and failures, as they sometimes meet organizations roles or sometimes not. This article identifies need of enterprise systems, success factors, software selection strategy, causes of failures that are critical for any enterpriseRead MoreProblems and Prospect Business Education in Nigeria Colleges of Education5490 Words   |  22 Pagesphenomena in business organizations - the REA accounting model (McCarthy, 1982).             The first and most basic form of the REA semantic framework is portrayed in the figure. This basic pattern has been extended both up to the more abstract level of enterprise value chains and down to the more specific level of workflow tasks in more recent work by Geerts and McCarthy (1997). However, its conceptual core remains the template portrayed here, and it is those components that will be the subject of this paper

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